Linda C. Smith: Selected Bibliography of Works by Topic

(by date in ascending order)

Prepared by Eileen G. Abels and Lynne C. Howarth, 31 May 2022  in support of their paper Linda C. Smith: Fifty Years of Library and Information Science Education by Design published in Library Trends, vol 71, issue 1, August 2022.

Note: Not all of Smith's influential publications are included in the Selected Bibliography. A complete list, as of June 2023, is in her CV.

Envisioning Our Information Future

Artificial Intelligence

Smith, L.C. “Artificial Intelligence in Retrieval Systems as an Alternative to Human Intermediaries.” American Society for Information Science Midyear Meeting Proceedings 5: 51-57, May 1976.

Smith, L.C. “Artificial Intelligence in Information Retrieval Systems.” Information Processing and Management 12: 189-222, 1976.

Smith, L.C. “Implications of Artificial Intelligence for End User Use of Online Systems.” Online Review 4(4): 383-391, December 1980.

Smith, L.C. “Artificial Intelligence Applications in Information Systems.” Annual Review of Information Science and Technology 15: 67-105, 1980.

Futrelle, R.P.; Smith, L.C. “Expert Systems Using Semantic Representations of Full Text for Question Answering.” American Society for Information Science Annual Meeting Proceedings, 19: 103-106, October 1982.

Smith, L.C. “Artificial Intelligence: A Selected Bibliography.” Journal of the American Society for Information Science 35(5): 317-319, September 1984.

Lunin, L.F.; Smith, L.C. “Artificial Intelligence: Concepts, Techniques, Applications, Promise: Introduction and Overview.” Journal of the American Society for Information Science 35(5): 278-279, September 1984.

Smith, L.C. “A Guide to Information Sources in Artificial Intelligence.” Science & Technology Libraries 5(3): 79-100, Spring 1985.

Smith, L.C. “Knowledge-based Systems, Artificial Intelligence, and Human Factors.” In: Information Technology as a Tool for Information Use. London: Taylor Graham, 1986, 98-110.

Smith, L.C. “Artificial Intelligence: Relationships to Research in Library and Information Science.” Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 30(1): 55-56, Summer 1989.

Smith, L.C.  Guest editor for “Artificial Intelligence,” a series of five papers which appeared in the August/September 1988 issue of the Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science.


Information Retrieval (IR) and IR System/Interface Design

Brenner, L.P.; Huston-Miyamoto, M.; Self, D.A.; Self, P.C.; Smith, L.C. “User-computer Interface Designs for Information Systems: A Review.” Library Research 2(1): 63-73, Spring 1980.

Smith, L.C. “’Memex’ as an Image of Potentiality in Information Retrieval Research and Development.” In: Information Retrieval Research, Butterworths, 1981, 345-369.

Smith, L.C.;  Warner, A.J. “A Taxonomy of Representations in Information Retrieval System Design. Journal of Information Science 8(3): 113-121, March, 1984. doi:10.1177/016555158400800303

Williams, M.E.; Kinnucan, M.; Smith, L.C.; Lannom, L.; Cho, D. “Comparative Analysis of Online Retrieval Interfaces.” American Society for Information Science Annual Meeting Proceedings, 23: 365-370, 1986.

Smith, L.C. “Memex as an Image of Potentiality Revisited.” In: Nyce, J. M.; Kahn, P., eds. From Memex to Hypertext: Vannevar Bush and the Mind’s Machine. Boston, MA: Academic Press, 1991, 261-286.

Smith, L.C. “Computerized Front-ends in Retrieval Systems.” In: Expanding Access to Science and Technology: The Role of Information Technologies. Tokyo, Japan: The United Nations University, 1994, 156-171

Lancaster, F.W.; Ulvila, J.W.; Humphrey, S.M.; Smith, L.C.; Allen, B.; Herner, S. “Evaluation of Interactive Knowledge Based Systems: Overview and Design for Empirical Testing.” Journal of the American Society for Information Science 47(1): 57-69, 1996.

Reference and Information Services

Bopp, R.E.; Smith, L.C., eds. Reference and Information Services: An Introduction. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1991. xx, 483p. [Also translated into Spanish]

Bopp, R.E.; Smith, L.C., eds. Reference and Information Services: An Introduction. 2nd edition. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1995. 626p.

Bopp, R.E.; Smith, L.C., eds. Reference and Information Services: An Introduction. 3rd ed. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 2001. 617p.

Bopp, R.E.; Smith, L.C., eds. Reference and Information Services: An Introduction. 4th ed. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2011. 743p

Bopp, R.E.; Smith, L.C., eds. [Korean Translation of Reference and Information Services: An Introduction. 4th ed.] Seoul, Korea: Goeungeulteo, Inc. [Good Writing], 2014. 577p.

Smith, L.C.; Wong, M.A., eds. Reference and Information Services: An Introduction. 5th ed. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2016. 881p.

Smith, L.C. Chapters in Reference and Information Services: An Introduction. 6th ed. Edited

by Melissa A. Wong and Laura Saunders. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2020.

“Foreword,” ix-x; Chapter 20. “Bibliographic Sources,” 415-432; Chapter 22.

“Indexes and Abstracts,” 464-486.

Smith, L.C. “Reference Services.” In Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, 3rd ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2010, 4485-4491.

Smith, L.C. “Reference Services.” In Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, 4th ed. Taylor & Francis, 2017, 3912-3919.

Lankes, R.D.; Janes, J.; Smith, L.C.; Finneran, C.M., eds. The Virtual Reference Experience:

Integrating Theory into Practice. New York: Neal-Schuman, 2004. 289p.

Smith, L. C.; Lastra, S. “Ready Reference on the Internet.” Proceedings of the 21st National Online Meeting. Medford, NJ: Information Today, 2000, 399-405.

Web-Based Distance Learning;  Digital Instruction

Smith, L.C. “Technologies for E-Learning.” Informant 65(5): 17, 19, May 2001.

Smith, L.C.; Lastra, S.; Robins, J. “Teaching Online: Changing Models of Teaching and Learning in LEEP.” Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 42(4): 348-363, Fall 2001.

Smith, L.C. “Faculty Satisfaction in LEEP: A Web-Based Graduate Degree Program in Library and Information Science.” In: Online Education: Volume 2; Learning Effectiveness, Faculty Satisfaction, and Cost Effectiveness: Proceedings of the 2000 Sloan Summer Workshop on Asynchronous Learning Networks. Needham, MA: Sloan Center for Online Education, 2001, 87-108.

Montague, R.-A.; Smith, L.C. “Faculty Perspectives.” In: Haythornthwaite, C.; Kazmer, M.M., eds. Learning, Culture and Community in Online Education: Research and Practice. New York: Peter Lang, 2004, 215-227.

Smith, L.C. “Education for Digital Reference Services.” In: Lankes, R. D.; Nicholson, S.;

Goodrum, A., eds. The Digital Reference Research Agenda. Chicago: Association of

College and Research Libraries, 2003, 148-176.

Mostafa, J.; Brancolini, K.; Smith, L.C.; Mischo, W.H. “Developing a Digital Library Education Program.” Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 2005, 427.

Lesht, F.L.; Montague, R.-A.; Page, V.J.; Shaik, N.; Smith, L.C. “Online Program Assessment: A Case Study of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Experience.” In: Williams, D. D.; Howell, S. L.; Hricko, M., eds. Online Assessment and Measurement: Emerging Practices.  Hershey, PA: Information Science Publishing, 2006, 92-108.

Kazmer, M.M.; Kingma, B.; Lester, J.; Smith, L.C. “Long-term Outcomes of Web-based Distance Learning Programs in LIS.” American Society for Information Science and Technology Annual Meeting Proceedings, 43, 2006. 6p.

Kingma, B.; Nicholson, S.; Schisa, K.; Smith, L.C. “WISE+ Course Development Partnerships: Collaboration, Innovation & Sustainability.” Paper presented at: Cooperation and Collaboration in Teaching and Research: Trends in Library and Information Studies Education, IFLA Satellite Meeting, 8-9 August 2010, Borås, Sweden.

Schisa, K.; McKinney, A.; Faires, D.; Kingma, B.; Montague, R. A.; Smith, L.C.; Sterna, M. “Web-based Information Science Education: Leveraging the Power of the Network to Re-Define the Global Classroom.” In: Higher Education, Emerging Technologies, and Community Partnerships: Concepts, Models and Practices. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 2011, 164-181.

Neal, D.R.; Ratliff, J.A.; Smith, L.C.; Khanova, J. “ASIS&T Online Education Initiatives: Driving the future. Association for Information Science & Technology Annual Meeting Proceedings, 49, 2012. 2p.

Library and Information Science Education
Smith, L.C. “Education for Sci-Tech Librarianship: Retrospect and Prospect.” Science & Technology Libraries 8(1): 75-88, Fall 1987. [Also published in: One Hundred Years of Sci-Tech Libraries: A Brief History. New York: Haworth Press, 1988, 75-88.]

Smith, L.C. “Interdisciplinary Multi-institutional Alliances in Support of Educational Programs for Health Sciences Librarians.” Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 84(4): 560-568, October 1996

Smith, L.C. “Education for Health Sciences Librarianship.” Science & Technology Libraries 17(2): 59-80, 1998.

Smith, L. C. “Education for Health Sciences Librarians: Past, Present and Future Possibilities.” In: Bakker, S., ed. Libraries without Limits: Changing Needs–Changing Roles: Proceedings of the 6th European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries, Utrecht, 22-27 June 1998. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1999, 265-268

Smith, L.C. “New Models of Recruitment and (Continuing) Education for Sci-Tech Librarianship.” Science & Technology Libraries 27(1/2): 173-184, 2006.

Smith, L.C. “From Foundation to Federal Funding: The Impact of Grants on Education for Library and Information Science.” Advances in Librarianship 31: 141-165, 2008.

Abels, E.G.; Howarth, L.C.; Smith, L.C. 2015. “Envisioning Our Information Future and How to Educate for It: A Community Conversation.” Association for Information Science and Technology Annual Meeting Proceedings, November 6-10, 2015, St. Louis, MO. 3p.

Abels, E.G.; Howarth, L.C.; Smith, L.C. 2016. Envisioning Our Information Future and How to Educate for It.  Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 57(2): 84-93.

Abels, E.G.; Howarth, L.C.; Smith, L.C. Transforming Library and Information Science Education by Design. Advances in Librarianship 44A: 71-89, 2018.

Smith, L.C. “From Measurement and Evaluation to Data Analytics: Changes in Curriculum to Prepare Library Professionals.” Proceedings of the LibPMC International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries: Data and Analytics: Changing the Information Landscape, Aberystwyth, Wales, 23-25 July 2019. 108-115.